Weaving companies: it's better to be active than wait

The development of the Internet has exerted a profound influence on the marketing of weaving companies. Today, network marketing has become an indispensable marketing tool for weaving companies. However, because of the high technical requirements for the construction of marketing websites, the cumbersome procedures, and the high cost, it has become a gateway for many small and medium-sized enterprises to develop network marketing. According to statistics, China’s current 42 million enterprises actually use the Internet to conduct network marketing less than 1 million. Most of these websites are simply companies and product introductions, and do not really play an online marketing role. The "web portal" product launched by Panshi in Beijing has broken through the bottleneck of traditional network marketing. With its simple, easy-to-learn "fool" self-help website system, companies can easily build their own marketing websites.

Website operation refers to all the work related to the later operation of the website in the network marketing system. With regard to the current development trend of China's Internet, the operation of the website should be integrated into the overall management system of the company, so that the network can be organically combined with the original mechanism so as to realize the commercial potential of the website and network marketing.

The company's website operations include many contents, such as website promotion and promotion, network marketing management, perfect changes to the website, website update and maintenance, and website's corporate operation. The most important one is the website's maintenance and promotion. It's just so easy to implement these two projects alone. Many companies make their own websites and become sensational. After the website is done, everything is fine. Corporate CEOs rarely ask questions. The department responsible for website management knows no basic knowledge of maintenance. The construction of this website is nothing but a www on the business card. "Signature, the level of customers encountered business cards are also similar, but also suddenly come to an end." With such an effect, it is not bad.

However, as network applications are deepening and Internet marketing knowledge is becoming more widespread, more and more corporate executives and managers are realizing that a website that hasn't been updated in a year or two, and a well-made website that is not known by many people are completely Wasted resources. "Informationization" was not originally a simple investment in building a website. The more important task is the long-term update and promotion process after the completion of the website.

Website maintenance involves resource and cost issues, but as long as the effort is spent, the resources and costs needed for most SME websites will not be too high. Corporate websites are mainly updated products and explanatory texts. General SME websites do not have a background content management system. Web page updates need to know how to do web pages. However, most companies do not have such talents (though learning to do web pages is not difficult). One way is to set a clause on web page updating services when signing a contract with a web company that does a web site. Do not ignore this issue in the contract, and wait until the internet company needs to be updated to be very passive.

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