What is black-bone chicken jade

Black-bone chicken jade is a variety that has appeared on the market in recent years. Its color is similar to that of a black-skinned chicken. The black-broiled jade is gray-black to black, and the color tone is not uniform. Some black jadeites have gray-green hue to varying degrees, and the green color of the light-colored parts is more obvious.

Black-bone chicken

It is slightly transparent to opaque, the dark part is opaque to slightly transparent, the light part is opaque to translucent, and the glass is glossy.

In the jade market, there are bracelets and carved beads made of gray-black, black-gray jade materials, which are very special and give a simple feeling. Hong Kong experts call it black black chicken because its color is similar to that of a black-skinned chicken.

I have seen this kind of black jade chicken jade raw material at the jade raw material auction in Yangon, Myanmar, but not many, the green structure is obvious, no doubt produced in Myanmar.

There is less information about this black jade. Of particular interest to this, in recent years systematic observation and research analysis.

Black jade general characteristics: black jade is dense block, hard, jadeite; gray black to black, the color is not even, some black jade with gray tones to varying degrees, the light color of the light part is more obvious. It is slightly transparent to opaque, the dark part is opaque to slightly transparent, and the light part is opaque to translucent. Glass luster, some samples have grease luster to varying degrees, mineral fresh section and rock light mask strong glass luster.

The jadeite particles are short columns and granules, and the star-shaped flashes, that is, "green" (fly-winged flash). A black network (net vein) can be seen on the light surface of the rock. The mesh vein and its proximal side are black. When the black mesh vein is many, it can form a black mass, making the smooth surface of the rock a piebald.

Black jade is mainly composed of single mineral jade, so it can be called hard jade rock. The mineral particles are short columnar and granular, and the rock is a crystal-like structure.

The mineral composition of black jade: microscopic identification of rock, powder X-ray diffraction, electron probe analysis and laser Raman microprobe analysis show that black jadeite is basically a single mineral rock, that is, more than 98% is jadeite, only A small amount of secondary minerals and black pigments, the latter total less than 2%, the local appearance is higher.

Black jade (black chicken) is not ink! But it is also very beautiful and feels special.

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