You are the reason why you choose to start a business and how to start a business

Ideal, dreams, money, pass the time ...... Why did you choose to start a business? Asked a lot of kuger Guge home service brand to join the shop entrepreneurs, some entrepreneurs are getting something for the family, some hoping to get rich by entrepreneurs, some are working for a long time want to experience the feeling when the boss, some want A career, no matter how your entrepreneurial mentality will affect your play, and even affect you to make every decision.


Frustration at work is the easiest reminder of entrepreneurial ideas, a few friends around me, every time out party will complain about the company where there is not good, less chance of promotion, there is no chance to enhance capacity, collar wages and work intensity is not proportional , Always suppressed by the boss, low wages, etc., and then complain after the bitter will talk to you to see if there is any project can be done in order to make a successful project outside, such as the shop when the boss himself, immediately Stand up and call the shots.

你是因为什么选择创业 又该如何创业

In fact, I have no objection to starting a business outside of Hong Kong. Of course, this is based on the fact that if you really have a good project, I strongly support it.

But is it really as good as you want to start a business? Do you think there is no opportunity to work because the internal bureaucracy and relatives to help you more serious that you can choose to transfer work, but if you are not hard, every day just look forward to the opportunity to automatically come to their own words, I believe even if you start a business will not What's the improvement? Because when the business problems will only be accompanied by your complaints will be more and more.

Do not give yourself an excuse after the failure of entrepreneurship, repeatedly asked yourself because you choose to start a business, do not complain about the tone of work, after all, entrepreneurship this road difficult to walk, if the beginning of the mentality is not correct, it is only expanded The failed army, rational treatment is wise.


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